New Hampshire

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Quick Stats

New Hampshire State Population 1,395,231
Sales Tax 0%
State Income Tax 4% [stock based]
Median Household Income $85,803
Average Home Value $451,364
Average Property Tax / Rate $6,855 / 1.28%

New Hampshire

New Hampshire is a U.S. state in New England, known for its rocky coastline, mountains, and forests. The capital is Concord, and the largest city is Manchester.

New Hampshire is bordered by Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north.

The state is divided into 10 counties: Belknap, Carroll, Coos, Grafton, Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham, Strafford, Sullivan, and Wentworth.

New Hampshire's climate is temperate, with four distinct seasons. The summers are warm and humid, the winters are cold and snowy, and the springs and falls are mild.

The state's terrain is mostly mountainous, with a few lowland areas along the coast. The White Mountains, in the north-central part of the state, are the highest mountain range in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire's economy is based on manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture. The state is home to a number of major manufacturing companies, including General Dynamics and Sikorsky Aircraft.

Tourism is a major industry in New Hampshire, with the state's natural beauty and historical sites drawing visitors from all over the world. The White Mountains are a popular destination for hiking, camping, and skiing.

Agriculture is also a major industry in New Hampshire, with the state's dairy farms and orchards producing a variety of products.

New Hampshire is a popular destination for retirees, and the state has a number of retirement communities. The state is also home to a number of colleges and universities, including Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire.

New Hampshire is a state with a rich history and culture. The state was founded by the English in the 17th century, and it played an important role in the American Revolution. The state is also home to a number of historical sites, including the Old Manse in Concord and the Shaker Village of Canterbury.

New Hampshire is a state with a lot to offer visitors. The state's natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural attractions make it a popular destination for people of all ages.