About Places
Place.US.com dedicated to helping you learn everything you can about various cities, neighborhoods, and states in the U.S.
We gather and curate the latest census data available, as well as data from other verified sources that offer public sharable information and resources.
In addition, Places.US.com uses this data to build data-drive lists intended to help you easily find and learn about places based on the things you care most about.
This data is also used to generate individual city livability scores based on metrics like Affordability, Amenities, Housing, Education, Job Markets, Diversity, Weather, Crime, and Commute.
Some of the data we collect is publicly available information, however, our curation of data, our scores and insights, and our data-driven lists are unique and owned by us. This is what sets us apart and helps us provide you with the best and most useful information about every place in the United States.