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Quick Stats

Virginia State Population 8,683,619
Sales Tax 5.3%
State Income Tax 2% - 5.75%
Median Household Income $78,179
Average Home Value $368,716
Average Property Tax / Rate $3,322 / 0.72%


Virginia is a state in the southern United States. It is bordered by Maryland and Washington, D.C. to the north and east; by the Atlantic Ocean to the east; by North Carolina to the south; by Tennessee to the southwest; by Kentucky to the west; and by West Virginia to the north and west. Virginia's boundary with Maryland and Washington, D.C. extends to the low-water mark of the south shore of the Potomac River.

The state's capital and largest city is Richmond. The largest metro area is the Greater Washington metropolitan area, which includes parts of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.

Virginia has a total area of 42,774.2 square miles (110,784.7 km2), including 3,180.13 square miles (8,236.5 km2) of water. It is the 12th-largest state by area.

The state's terrain is varied, with mountains, lowlands, and beaches. The Blue Ridge Mountains run through the western part of the state, and the Chesapeake Bay forms the eastern border.

The climate in Virginia is temperate, with four distinct seasons. The average temperature in the state ranges from 38 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius) in January to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) in July.

Virginia is a major producer of agriculture, forestry, and tourism. The state's economy is also home to a number of Fortune 500 companies.

Virginia is a diverse state with a rich history and culture. It is home to a number of historical sites, including Jamestown, the first English settlement in North America. The state is also home to a number of colleges and universities, including the University of Virginia, which was founded by Thomas Jefferson.

Virginia is a beautiful and vibrant state with a lot to offer visitors. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or culture, there's something for everyone in Virginia.


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