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Blackville, SC

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Blackville's Livability

  • A-
  • C+
  • B
    Job Market
  • C
  • C
  • B-
  • F
  • B+
  • D-

About Blackville, SC

Blackville, SC is located in Barnwell County in the state of South Carolina.

The total City Population for Blackville is about 2,135 with about 88 people per square mile.

The Average Home Value is $62,281, which is roughly 60% lower than the Average Home Value of $157,464 for the state of South Carolina, and roughly 71% lower than the National Average of $217,072.

The Median Income Per Household is about $19,583, which is roughly 63% lower than the Average Median Income Per Household of $52,553 for the state of South Carolina, and roughly 70% lower higher than the National Average of $65,026.

Walk Score for Blackville, SC Bike Score for Blackville, SC

Quick Stats

Blackville Population 2,135
Average Home Value $62,281
Median Household Income $19,583
Median Age 36.6
Unemployment Rate 6.5%
Politics 53.21% Republican

Demographic Details

Average # of People Per Household: 2.53
Male Population Estimate: 44.9%
Female Population Estimate: 55.1%
Median Age: 36.6
Male Median Age: 38.2
Female Median Age: 42.2

Racial Demographic Estimates



Barnwell County voted Republican in the 2020 Presidential Election with a very significant difference of 77.13% between the winner and runner up.
Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senator
Lindsey Graham
Republican Party
Tim Scott
U.S. Senator
Tim Scott
Republican Party
Henry McMaster
State governor
Henry McMaster
Republican Party

Voting Results by Party

Republican: 53.21%
Democratic: 45.73%
Libertarian: 0.76%
Green: 0.18%
Other: 0.12%

Crime Details

NOTE: Crime is available at the County level so this doesn't necessarily represent the city of Blackville specifically.

Average # of Homicides for Barnwell County: About 17.9272 per 100,000 People
(last recorded in 2021)

Average # of Violent Crimes for Barnwell County: About 730.144 per 100,000 People
(last recorded in 2021)

Barnwell County is about 78% higher than the national average of about 4 homicides per 100,000 people, and about 61% higher than the national average of about 288 violent crimes per 100,000 people.


The Unemployment Rate for Blackville is about 6.5%.

South Carolina is ranked #48 out of 52 for Best and Worst States to Work in America, with an overall score of 12.12 out of 100.

48th out of 52

Wage Policies

Overall Wage Policy Score: 1.13

The average living wage for the state of South Carolina is $33.18/hr, while the states minimum wage is $7.25/hr, which can be set above the state standard, and is extended to farm workers. This gives South Carolina a minimum wage score of 0 compared to all other states.

The minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13/hr, which gives South Carolina a minimum wage for tipped employees score of 8.97 compared to all other states.

The weekly unemployment (UI) benefit for South Carolina is $145.00, resulting in a UI benefit score of 0.04 compared to all other states.

Worker Protection Policies

Overall Worker Protection Score: 71.43
South Carolina does provide accommodations for pregnant workers.
South Carolina does offer protections for workplace breastfeeding.
South Carolina does mandate equal pay across gender and race.
X South Carolina does prohibit pay secrecy practices in the workplace.
X South Carolina does restrict access to salary history to reduce gender and racial bias.
X South Carolina does provide some form of paid family leave.
X South Carolina does provide some form of paid sick leave.
X South Carolina does not provide flexible scheduling of worker shifts.
X South Carolina does not mandate pay reporting or "call-in" pay by employers.
X South Carolina does not provide split shift pay regulation.
X South Carolina does not provide workers advanced notice of shift scheduling.
South Carolina does provide some form of sexual harassment protection in state law.
X South Carolina does extend workers compensation mandates to farmworkers.
X South Carolina does not extend worker protections to domestic workers.

Right To Organize Policies

Overall Right To Organize Score: 70
X South Carolina does not have a "right-to-work" law.
X South Carolina does legalize project labor agreements to ensure a fair wage to workers on contract.
X South Carolina does not protect workers against wage theft retaliation.
X South Carolina does partially require collective bargaining for public workers.
X South Carolina does provide collective bargaining for teachers.
X South Carolina does provide wage negotiations for teachers.
Data from Oxfam America, Inc.
A global organization that fights inequality to end poverty and injustice.

Nearby Location

Additional Location Details

Zip Code(s): 29817
Latitude: 33.355200
Longitude: -81.283500
TimeZone: Eastern (GMT -05:00)
Daylight Saving: Yes
Region: South
Average Elevation: 277.0 ft.
Area Code(s): 803